Retia Medical Wins SBIR Award From NIH
East Lansing, Michigan (August 17, 2012): Retia Medical, LLC, announced today that it has received a $151,000 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase I award from the National Institute of Health. The funding represents an initial investment from the NIH to demonstrate the clinical performance of Retia’s breakthrough less-invasive technology to monitor cardiac output. Cardiac output monitoring is very useful in early detection of circulatory shock and for optimizing therapy to improve outcomes. Standard methods such as pulmonary artery catheter are invasive and can lead to complications, resulting in reduced usage. Successful development and demonstration of this blood flow monitor can provide crucial clinical data for improved treatment of critically ill patients.
Recent Press Releases:
- Retia signs US distribution Agreement for Argos® Cardiac Output Monitor with Medtronic
- Retia Medical Announces the acquisition of its Argos hemodynamic monitor by Temple University
- Retia Medical awarded a Hemodynamic Monitoring Products agreement with Premier, Inc.
- Retia Medical and The JANZ Corporation Announce Strategic Partnership Agreement